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November 28, 2017
Picture this: Your new hot tub, being rapidly filled with hot, steamy water, also thanks to your new mains water booster pump. You are shoulder deep, a big grin on your face, impossible to remove.
November 27, 2017
Not everyone has a not everyone has a domestic booster pump to save them from their water pressure woes. If your house is plagued with low water pressure, don’t just struggle on. We know how infuriating
October 25, 2017
It’s normal to feel like a bit of home renovation from time to time, and if your bathroom is in serious need of some TLC, it might be time to think about giving it a much needed update. Before doing so, however, there’s a number of things you need to think about to ensure you’re getting the most out
October 25, 2017
With the arrival of Autumn, the days and nights get colder and you might find yourself feeling the chill more than usual within your home. There are a number of things you can do to help keep yourself warm during the Autumn months, whether that involves shopping for a new Lowara heating pump or simply
September 21, 2017
While it’s always better to hire a professional when it comes to the home, doing a DIY home energy audit can be an easy way to help you discover more about your energy use. Finding out more about the workings of your home can also help you discover what areas need to be improved, such as the need for